Believe Family Outreach will financially sustain to support programs through its Sustainability Plan.

Sustainability Plan

Program Goals: To give families/individuals (men, women, teen moms, and at risked youth) basic education and life changing resources to improve their lives.

Program Vision:  To uplift individuals during their time of need while empowering them to gain sustainability to be able to eventually give back to the community.

Program Objectives: to serve 30 individuals each year through trainings, educational resources, supplies, and counseling services.

Milestones: (In progress) To have develop a at risked afterschool program, offer financial literacy classes in person or online via zoom, and offer assistance through each organization’s program.

Believe Family Outreach Programs

Financial Literacy Program:  The Financial Literacy Program is offered on a quarterly basis in the  months of March, June, September, and December. Financial Literacy trainings are offered in person and online. The in-person trainings are offered at rented Conference Community Center in East Lansing, MI or monthly trainings will be available at BFO office. Online trainings will be offered through Zoom. Applicants can apply for this training by emailing or calling the Founder/Executive Director. Each applicant goes through the application process to determine what organization program will best suit their needs. The Financial Literacy program is curriculum based and taught by licensed financial experts with a financial background which consists of the Executive Director, Volunteers, Bank Companies, and Credit Unions.


Our training curriculum prepares the student for having the ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills, including personal financial management, credit management, budget, saving, and investing. The training sessions are available quarterly and financial classes are offered monthly 2 hours each month discussing different financial topics. The program follows CDC Guidelines for all in person trainings.


The objectives of the Financial Literacy Program are to ensure that at least 80% of individuals enrolled complete the program and develop an increase in their financial knowledge and feel confident in their ability to apply this knowledge to their everyday life. Our Financial Literacy program is evaluated by sign in sheets, individual assessment, credit score testimonials, feedback, surveys, client goals and e the evaluating the number of individuals completing the program and who have reached their financial goals. Individuals who have completed the program will participate in taking surveys that will allow us to determine who is completing the program, reaching their goals, and areas that our organization can grow in to better serve them

Counseling Program: The Counseling Program consists of Group Counseling sessions that are offered Quarterly and Individual Counseling on a need-by-need basis in the Greater Lansing, MI area and surrounding areas. Counseling sessions are offered in person at the organization’s office or online via Zoom. Individuals are selected to participate for counseling services through referrals as well as through the application process. Group Counseling sessions are in a group environment setting where different topics are discussed such as healthy eating, childcare service, postpartum depression etc. The Executive Director or Volunteers conduct group counseling sessions.

Individual-One on one counseling addresses the needs of the individual following an individual assessment. Licensed therapist conduct client assessments and provide individual counseling based on the treatment plan for the individual. Individual counseling sessions are 45 minutes to 1 hour each and individuals meet based on their individualized treatment plan.


The program follows CDC Guidelines for all in person counseling sessions.


The objectives of the Counseling Program are to ensure that at least 80% of individuals attending both group and individual counseling sessions develop new skills to apply to their everyday life. We desired to reach behavioral change, improve the client’s ability to establish and maintain relationships, enhance the client’s effectiveness and their ability to cope, and to promote client decision making process.

The Counseling Program is evaluated through group counseling assessments, individual documentation, individualized treatment plan assessment, changed behaviors and follow ups.

Teen Mom ProgramOur teen mom program services are offered based on individual assessments and offered bi=weekly and monthly in the Greater Lansing MI area. The teen mom program is offered at Believe Family Outreach office and the teen moms can participate in this program through their schools, family, referrals, and the online application. Teen moms are selected for this program by an individual need assessment to determine the need of each participate. We assist these teen mothers with childcare, food, transportation, diapers, clothing, housing, counseling resources to assist the individual based on their individual needs. Participants in the Greater Michigan area can receive support through the teen mom program. Our teen mom program consists of participating in group counseling sessions, individual counseling sessions, field trip activities, scheduled classes for breast feeding, birthing, personal hygiene and postpartum events after child birth delivery.  Scheduled classes are curriculum based and are offered bi-weekly or monthly. All trainings for our classes are taught by the founder, licensed staff, register nurses, and professional doula volunteers. The qualifications for our trainers are to be experienced in the taught areas and licensed.

The teen mom program is evaluated through assessments and surveys to determine if the program is working and informs us on areas that may need improving. Our desired outcome for our program is to have 80% of participants who participate in the teen mom program to have an increase in their knowledge and become informed on necessary life topics. We want to always provide a safe and positive atmosphere that led to higher graduation rates, college acceptance, and teen mothers who are well supported with resources. Our in-person trainings are focused on keeping a safe environment as we follow CDC’s guidelines.

Entrepreneurship Program: The entrepreneur program operates on a quarterly basis and available in March, June, September, and December. We service individuals in the Greater Michigan area who have a desire to start their own business in any age bracket. Individuals can apply for this program online through our website. Applicants are selected for the program through an application assessment which allows the organization to see if the program will suit their needs. The entrepreneurship program provides classes that are held in person at our office or online. The classes consist of tools that will allow participants legalize their own entities and an opportunity to be selected for small business grants in the amounts of $500-$1000. Participants can apply for a small business grants following a grant application process that is reviewed by the board of directors of Believe Family Outreach.


Our entrepreneurship program empowers aspiring entrepreneurs and small businesses through curriculum-based business training classes. The training classes cover several topics to help new businesses grow their business such as business formation, taxes, trademarking, marketing, etc. There are several aspects that can potentially affect an entrepreneur and the program covers those most important aspects to properly groom the entrepreneur. Trainings are 1 hour each and are taught by our founder, staff, and volunteers. Our trainers must have a background in business and be a minority business owner to reach the needs of our participants. The entrepreneur program is evaluated through surveys, 6 month follow up after grant received, number of businesses being formed from participants, and annual follow-up. The desired outcome for the entrepreneur program is to have 80% of participants develop striving businesses. We follow CDC guidelines for all in person class trainings.

At Risked Youth Program: The at risked youth program operates daily during school months and summer time in the Greater Michigan area. Students attend the afterschool program Monday thru Friday 2pm -6pm during the school calendar year. Students attend Monday through Friday 7am-6pm during summer months. The program services school age youth in grades K-12, ages 5-21 years of age. Our at risked program is held at local schools and or our physical site location. Parents can participate in this program by school referrals, word of mouth, and visiting our website. All parents have to complete an online application that will be reviewed by our board of directors to determine their eligibility. The at risked youth afterschool program provides tutoring assistance, college readiness, field trips, job readiness, counseling, and mentorship.

There are several different factors that can affect at risked youth and prevent them from growing academically, maturing socially and contributing to the community and workforce. At risked youth environmental factors can prevent them from scaling in life and we want to bridge a gap with youth struggling to grow through us at risked program.

This program is conducted by Founder/Executive Director, Program Director, Paid Staff, and Tutoring Volunteers. The qualifications necessary for our staff to assist in this program is to be a college graduate or college student. We evaluate the effectiveness of this program through parent surveys, student assessments, high school graduations amongst students, and college acceptance. This allows our team to make changes to any areas of the program to better serve our youth. Our desired outcome for this program is to increased daily school attendance, avoid high school drop outs, increased high school graduation rate, college acceptance, and students enrolled in college. We follow CDC guidelines during our afterschool and summer program.

Overall Evaluation




Outcome: to reach least 30 individuals and students per year offering our programs to the needs of the individual.


    • Sign in sheet logs to track the amount of people reached.
    • Surveys
    • Program Assessments
    • Credit Score Testimonials
    • Changed behaviors from counseling program participants
    • Increased Academic Attendance for students.
    • Increased High School graduation rates for students in our teen mom and at risked youth programs.


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assistance with your donation, please contact us at BFO hotline

517- 258-1432